99% Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA)
- Synonyms: 2-Propanol, Isopropanol, Rubbing alcohol, sec-Propyl alcohol, s-Propanol, Dimethyl carbinol, IPA
- CAS Number: 67-63-0
- Molecular Formula: C3H8O
- Molecular Weight: 60.096 g/mol
Physical and Chemical Properties:
- Appearance: Clear, colorless liquid
- Physical State: Liquid
- Density: 786 kg/m³
- Boiling Point: 180.5°F (82.5°C)
- Melting Point: -128.2°F (-89°C)
Proper Shipping Name: Isopropyl alcohol
Class: Class 3 - Flammable and combustible liquid 49 CFR 173.120
UN Number: UN1219
PG: II - Medium Danger
Hazard labels (DOT): 3 - Flammable liquid
55 Gallon Steel Drum (25 × 25 × 36 in)
Fill: 362 lbs.